Voices For Independence Holds First “Ride For Our Rights”

July 27, 2023 2:53 am

On Wednesday, Voices For Independence (VFI) held its very first “Ride for Our Rights.”  It took part in 3 locations across western Pennsylvania; Washington, Seneca, and Erie, beginning at the VFI office in Washington.  The convoy then headed north to the Voices for Independence office in Seneca, with a final stope at the VFI headquarters in Erie.  “People with disabilities are forced to battle obstacles relating to transportation every day,” says Shona Eakin, CEO of Voices for Independence. “The current para-transit system is broken, with rides needing to be scheduled days in advance, rides arriving late, and more. We’ve actually seen individuals arrive at our office so late that their return ride home is already at the office by the time they get here. These kinds of stories happen daily, and there is no better time to call for reform than on the 33rd anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act.  Eakin says this event is unique not only in the fact that it is the first of its kind since the “Freedom Ride of ’95,” nearly 30 years ago, but that the subject matter corresponds directly to ADA Day, is urgent in nature, and will host a variety of speakers at every stop of the trip.