Vigil Held For Victims Of CA Boat Fire

September 7, 2019 4:22 am

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP) – The 34 people who died in a diving boat fire off Southern California are being remembered by those who shared their love of the sea. Hundreds turned out Friday evening for a vigil at a Santa Barbara park. Clergy offered words of solace, musicians offered harp music and a rendition of “Amazing Grace” and a diving instructor said a common love of diving “bonds us together for eternity.” Only five crew members survived Monday’s sinking of the Conception off Santa Cruz Island. Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown says it appears the victims died from smoke inhalation as they slept in a bunkroom below deck. Divers have recovered all but one body. The Coast Guard says safety concerns over gusty winds halted efforts to salvage the boat Friday.