Voting Heating Up In Georgia

August 21, 2022 8:11 am

CLAYTON, Ga. (AP) — Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp is a conservative by any measure. As the Republicans seeks a second term in November, he can trumpet multiple tax cuts. He helped enact a ban on abortions after six weeks, before many women know they’re pregnant. He presided over an election law overhaul that could make it harder for some Georgians to vote. And in case anyone still doubts his credentials, Kemp is fond of noting he’s the first modern Republican governor in Georgia who wasn’t a Democrat at some point in his political career. Still, his decision to defy Donald Trump and ratify Joe Biden’s presidential electors in 2020 has won Kemp credit with some Democrats. That goodwill showed up in Georgia’s May primaries, when a notable number of Democratic-leaning voters cast Republican ballots to help Kemp trounce his Trump-endorsed challenger. Now, heading into the general election, Democratic nominee Stacey Abrams needs those voters in her column. And she is unvarnished in arguing that Kemp is due nothing from voters for refusing to subvert a free and fair American presidential election.