Wanna Buy A Bridge?

September 15, 2019 10:23 am

WAYNESBURG, Pa. (AP) – A small century-old bridge in Pennsylvania is up for sale as long as the buyer agrees to relocate and preserve the steel structure.  According to the (Washington) Observer-Reporter, a legal advertisement says the Federal Highway Administration and other agencies have announced the availability of the span along a remote road near Waynesburg in southwestern Pennsylvania’s Greene County.  The 40-foot-long span is a Parker pony truss, a design distinguished by not being held together by cross beams.  Pennsylvania Department of Transportation spokeswoman Valerie Peterson calls it “just one of their ways to preserve bridges.”   The county-owned bridge built in 1903 by Penn Bridge Co. of Beaver Falls features stone approaches and decorative lattice railings and is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.