Washington City Council Budget Holds Line On Taxes

December 10, 2022 4:10 am

Washington City Council wrapped up 2022 by approving a budget for 2023 with no tax increase. The budget comes in just shy of $15 million and is approximately $39,000 less than last year. Finance Chair Ken Westcott credits staff and their hard work for being able to close a deficit and return a balanced budget. Mayor Scott Putnam states that this will be the fourth year that the city has not seen a tax increase. Council tabled a first reading of 3 ordinances that were modified or created to keep blight at a minimum in the city. One ordinance would create a Quality of Life ordinance to help expedite the clean up of properties that have become overgrown with weeds or that suffer other maintenance issues. An ordinance regulating junk vehicles and accessories was also tabled. A third ordinance modification would be the inspection and monitoring of vacant properties. Additionally, council approved four properties to be demolished beginning in 2023.