Washington County Judges Sworn In

January 2, 2024 2:49 am

January 2nd brought new life to communities as far as local governments are concerned. In Washington County the judiciary had their opportunity to swear in five judges to maintain order in the county. In the only public ceremony held at the Washington County Courthouse, current magisterial justice Phillippe Melograne, whose jurisdiction covers Peters Twp., Union Twp., Finleyville and the surrounding areas, was sworn in to his first six year term after being appointed to fill the remaining term of Judge Jesse Pettit who was elected to the court of common pleas. Melograne spoke of being happy to be on the front lines of justice in an attempt to be one of the first people to help those who may have made a mistake. Other magisterial judges who were sworn in privately were Mark Wilson from the Monongahela area and Gary Havelka from the Burgettstown area. Common Pleas Court Judges Valarie Costanzo and Michael Lucas were also sworn in during private ceremonies. Both Costanzo and Lucas were retained for another 10 year term in last November’s general election.