A legal action was filed against Washington County on Monday for the actions taken by the Washington County Board of Elections to disallow ballot curing in the most recent primary election held last April. Seven voters, The Center for Coalfield Justice and the Washington Branch of the NAACP were represented by the ACLU of Pennsylvania, the Public Interest Law Center and Dechert, LLP stating the decision made by the board of elections, that is made up of the three county commissioners, disenfranchised 259 county voters by not allowing the county elections department to contact voters who voted by mail and had correctable errors with their ballots. The decision to not allow curing is a reversal of previous protocol that allowed the department to contact voters about their mistakes and address the errors. One of those voters, Bruce Jacobs, says “I wish county officials had respected me, as an American with the fundamental right to vote, and given me a chance to address my error.” The lawsuit, Center for Coalfield Justice et al v. Washington County Board of Elections, has been filed in the Washington County Court of Common Pleas. The plaintiffs argue that the county violated the voters’ procedural due process rights. Lawyers will soon file a preliminary injunction motion to hasten the decision making process to ensure appellate courts have time before voting begins to review the issue.