The Washington School District School Board took 90 minutes to approve a recommended opening plan for the upcoming school year that begins on August 20. More than 25 minutes of discussion about the plan took place before an executive session was quickly called to answer questions that seemed to continue to nag at several directors. The biggest issue was why students were not able to return to a 5 day a week schedule. As explained to the parents on Wednesday evening, social distancing requirements are what keep students from returning to a normal 5 day a week schedule. A hybrid learning model was approved. Students will be divided into two groups. Each group will attend school in the buildings two days a week either Monday/Tuesday or Wednesday/Thursday with a district wide virtual day on Friday. A 5 day a week cyber academy is also available. Students with IEP requirements will attend school in buildings 5 days a week. A roll call vote was taken to approve the model and the vote was unanimous to approve the hybrid model. A unanimous vote was registered approving the cyber academy and the Friday virtual day option for the hybrid model. Superintendent Dr. James Konrad reminded the board that this plan is a living document that can be amended as needed depending on circumstances that impact the schedule with relation to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Washington Formally Adopts ‘Hybrid’ Opening Plan
July 24, 2020 4:08 am