Washington High School Graduates 119

June 6, 2020 4:18 am

WASHINGTON, Pa. — In what may have been a long awaited gift from nature, Washington High School conducted their 153 Annual Commencement ceremony.  The graduation was originally scheduled to be held at the parking lot of the Washington Wild Things Stadium. Washington County’s entrance into the economic green phase allowed the ceremony to be held at Washington High School Stadium. This year’s class will certainly be remembered for the difficulties students experienced because of the Covid-19 pandemic. This class is also unique because the two top students were also athletes. Valedictorian Zachary Swartz and Salutatorian Gerald Comedy both competed for the Prexies in football. In Swartz’s address to classmates, he remembered the challenges presented to them by the pandemic and spoke of how they had to “Power over the Pandemic”. Comedy, in his speech spoke of being “Unstoppable”. Comedy also gave tribute to George Floyd asking classmates to be the ones to bring about meaningful change.  Guest speaker David Sadler, a 1991 graduate told graduates to be themselves and not to let others decide who they should be. Over $1.9 million was earned by graduates in grants and scholarships. Ten students graduated with High Honors and 22 graduated with Honors.