Washington Hunter Rescued In Ohio

December 24, 2019 4:15 am

POTTERY ADDITION, Ohio — (WPXI) – A hunter who fell 30 feet down an abandoned Ohio mine shaft was fortunate he had his cell phone with him and could call for help immediately, rescuers said.  Frank Dawson, of Washington, Pennsylvania, was hunting in woods Saturday in eastern Ohio when he fell into the grass-covered shaft, ending up waist-deep in cold water, the Herald-Star in Steubenville reported. Dawson was able to give rescuers good directions and they found him easily about 300 yards from his vehicle, said Rob Herrington, leader of the Jefferson County Urban Search and Rescue. Rescuers used a harness and pulley system to pull out Dawson’s loaded gun and then Dawson, who was not injured. The rescue took about 25 minutes. Herrington planned to alert property owners about filling that well and another one found nearby.