Washington Man Faces Trial In Drug Death

March 11, 2022 2:10 am

A Washington man charged with multiple felonies for delivering drugs that killed a Canton Township couple is seeking trial on those charges. Lorenzo Lloyd, 35 is facing eight felony charges for being one of the people involved in selling fentanyl to David and Nanette Dennick and killing them in February of 2021. During his plea court hearing on Thursday, Lloyd made clear his decision to seek a jury trial. His defense attorney “implored” Lloyd to take the plea deal offered by the District Attorney. That offer was incarceration of 5-10 years on two charges to be served concurrently. The District Attorney made clear that if convicted on only those two charges he could possibly serve 12 years on just two of those charges but probably 24 years if those sentences were to be served concurrently because he is being tried for the death of two people. Despite the explanation of the sentence and the recommendation of his attorney Lloyd opted for a jury trial. Lloyd’s two accomplices in this case, Mitchell Logan of Washington and Zaeshown Kimbrew of Aliquippa have their cases working through the courts. Lloyd is scheduled for the May trial term.