The Washington School District previewed its opening plan for students when doors open on August 20. The plan showed to parents via a Zoom meeting platform described two hybrid options for in school instruction and it included a fully cyber school platform for parents that do not want to send their children into a school building yet. The two hybrid options divide the classes in half and send one half of the students to school on Monday and Tuesday with those students learning virtually Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The second half of the students would be learning virtually Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and attend classes in the buildings on Thursday and Friday. There would be no students in the buildings on Wednesdays. The second option works similarly with the buildings being vacant on Fridays. A quick straw poll indicated that having the buildings vacant on Friday was preferred. Students will need to wear masks on buses and in the classrooms. Parents will be the first line of defense to keeping everyone healthy. If a child has a fever of 100.4 or more, those students are expected to stay home. Students exhibiting any symptoms are asked to stay home to protect everyone else in the building that day. Superintendent Dr. James Konrad described the opening plan that will be voted on by the School Board Thursday night a living document that is subject to change as complications arise and as changes in the virus occur. A quick shift to all virtual learning is in place, and Konrad hopes to be able to modify the plan to expand in building learning if the virus allows. School Nurse Cheryl Blosl emphasized the importance of wearing masks by reminding parents that those masks not only offer protection from Covid-19 but also from the routine common colds and other illnesses that occur throughout the year. The plan will be presented and options approved on Thursday night.