Senator Camera Bartolotta says communities in Beaver, Greene and Washington counties will benefit from a series of grants to support affordable housing projects throughout the region. More than $5 million in grants were announced by the Pennsylvania Housing Financing Agency. In the 46th District $50,000 for Blueprints to target renters and $150,000 for Blueprints to continue a Reenty Housing and Self- Sufficiency Program. There is $735,500 for the Washington County Redevelopment Authority to make renovations at Century Plaza Apartments, replace concrete steps and install a canopy between Canon House and Canon Apartments and to replace the entry access system at the 104- unit Char House. “Without stable Housing, people don’t have a realistic chance at professional success and upward mobility. Instead, they’re forced to focus on trying to fulfill a basic need,” Bartolotta said, “When we’re able to eliminate that worry, they can put their energy into other things that also support their stability. I am pleased to know how much the Marcellus Shale Impact Fee will help communities across the state and right here in our own backyard.” The grants were awarded through the Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund, which was established in 2010. Funding for the grants is provided by the impact fee taxed on natural gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale region and the state’s existing Realty Transfer Tax.
Washington To Benefit From Five Million In Grants
June 15, 2024 4:41 am