Mayor Encourages Support For Hospital Merger

January 30, 2024 2:16 am

City of Washington Mayor JoJo Burgess held a press conference Tuesday to offer his view on the proposed merger of the Washington Health System and UPMC. Burgess, a steel worker and organizer with the United Steel Workers union stood in support of the merger. He indicated that he met with WHS and UPMC leaders and came away understanding that all commitments to labor will be honored. He also said that he looks forward to labor negotiations between the SEIU and UPMC in 2025. He said it is an opportunity for the SEIU to grow. Burgess urged the SEIU and UPMC to halt their standoff in negotiations in Pittsburgh and sit down to the bargaining table. Burgess indicated that the $300 million that UPMC has committed to invest in the hospital will help all unions especially construction unions that will perform the improvement work. Burgess said it is important that everyone get behind the effort to merge so southwestern Pennsylvania will not lose its local access to world class care and patients would be forced to travel to Pittsburgh to obtain that care.