Westmoreland County Community Recovers After Flooding

August 8, 2022 4:15 am

UNITY TOWNSHIP, Pa. — (WPXI) – Several people in Westmoreland County had to evacuate their homes after flooding crept into their homes and washed though their community. County dispatchers said one of the areas hit the hardest was Dorothy Patch in Unity Township. Creek water began to rise near the community and spilled into homes and overwhelmed roads. “They evacuated here. There was a school bus here, EMS and boats and everything,” said Jean Kirkpatrick, a resident who had to flee her home during the storm. Once the water had gone down, a coating of mud was left in homes and throughout the rest of the community. The Red Cross has set up a temporary shelter at the Lloydsville fire department. They are currently helping 50 families recover from the flood.