What Is On Your Child’s School Lunch Menu?

August 12, 2019 4:45 pm

NEW YORK (AP) – School lunch menus already have Meatless Mondays and Taco Tuesdays. Now some may get Trade Mitigation Thursdays.  This fall, some school cafeterias are expecting shipments of free food courtesy of President Donald Trump’s trade disputes. The products are coming from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which is giving away the foods it’s buying to help  farmers hurt by trade negotiations.  In Maryland, one district is awaiting a truckload of canned kidney beans – one of several “trade mitigation” items schools were offered.  The USDA has long purchased and distributed foods to help farmers. But for the groups that get the foods, Trump’s trade disputes are resulting in an unusual bounty. Other schools say they can’t put the extras to use.