Trump Trades Insults Over Whistleblower Complaint

September 26, 2019 9:15 am

WASHINGTON (AP) – President Donald Trump is trading insults with his chief critic from the House intelligence committee’s hearing on a whistleblower complaint about his conduct.  Trump tweeted Thursday that committee Chairman Adam Schiff “has zero credibility” and is pushing “Another fantasy to hurt the Republican Party!”  Schiff, a Democrat, quickly responded: “I’m always  flattered when I’m attacked by someone of the president’s character.”  Joseph Maguire, acting director of national intelligence, told the committee a whistleblower “did the right thing” by coming  forward to report concerns over the White House’s handling of a call between Trump and Ukraine’s leader.  The complaint details a call between Trump and Ukraine’s president in which Trump pressures the leader to investigate political rival Joe Biden.