The Washington County Chamber of Commerce opened their 2020 business year with a breakfast briefing. Washington Health System CEO Brook Ward spoke to a crowd of 100 members and told them of the challenges and successes WHS has had over the last year. Ward addressed cost escalation of care pointing out that medical care rose 1.8% last year and costs for prescriptions and insurance both rose more than 4%. Ward spoke of the success WHS has had in addiction treatment in their Long Term Residential program based in Waynesburg. The 90 day in patient program currently has 26 beds and Ward expects to add 16 more. Ward spoke of WHS commitment to obstetrics pointing out their newly remodeled obstetrics unit. Economics is always a concern and Ward pointed out the system’s recent inclusion in the experimental payment program operated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This is a 5 year experimental program designed to keep medical care available in rural areas of the nation and help keep hospitals financially afloat so rural area do not see hospital closures and loss of jobs. After the meeting Ward addressed competition from West Virginia University by stating that WHS is not interested in being taken over by WVU.