W&J Examines Effect Of Coronavirus On Shale Gas Industry

June 16, 2020 5:44 pm

Washington and Jefferson College’s Center for Energy Policy and Management began their series on the “Effects of Covid-19 and the economic downturn on Western Pennsylvania shale gas development”. Daniel Weaver, President of the Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association (PiOGA) spoke industry officials and local governmental officials about the state of the shale gas industry during the Covid-19 pandemic. Weaver’s statements were cautious in stating that just like all industries, work was disrupted while solutions on how to deal with the virus were developed. Positively speaking, pricing for natural gas stayed stable even though there has been a downturn in demand. Weaver is pleased that gas is now moving more easily to the east coast through pipeline development and sees a further need to develop more pipelines into the northeast especially in New York City and Boston. Weaver described “virtual pipelines” where gas was shipped via truck instead of pipeline. Weaver says that his organization supports research in the cases of high levels of Ewing’s Sarcoma throughout western Pennsylvania. He also recognized the recent penalty arrangement between Range Resources and the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office. He said that Range Resources has taken responsibility for the actions of previous high level officials and credits them for their actions. He also welcomes oversight in the gas drilling industry. Weaver also says his group is monitoring regulators to make sure a level playing field is maintained.