Governor Tom Wolf has allowed legislation requiring his administration to process Right-to-Know Law requests during emergency declarations to become law without his signature. Previously, Wolf had said he would veto the legislation. Unanimously approved in both chambers, it requires all agencies to fulfill and respond to Right-to-Know requests, including during emergency declarations such as the one earlier this year that shut down state offices. In a statement, Wolf said since the bill was introduced, his administration “has expressed deep concerns with forcing commonwealth employees to physically come to an office to process records requests under dangerous conditions. We have gone above and beyond to provide information to the legislature and public throughout the pandemic, including the data that drive our decision making.” Calling the legislation “ill-conceived and poorly drafted,” Wolf said the state’s Office of Open Records assured him it will write guidelines to keep state employees safe. Wolf said state agencies have been processing and responding to records requests for months, and that offices had reopened and were processing requests as the bill made its way through the Legislature.