Woman Facing Charges Over Anonymous Texts

September 27, 2022 4:12 am

WASHINGTON COUNTY, Pa. — (WPXI) – A Washington County woman is accused of sending thousands of harassing text messages to other parents over the last two years. Kristyn O’Donnell is facing harassment charges after police charged her with using “spoofing” apps to send the texts, which are sent anonymously to dozens of parents and coaches. Chartiers Township police charged O’Donnell and the case is awaiting trial, but parents say the texts have not slowed. One parent, who wants to remain anonymous, showed our news partners at WPXI hundreds of texts just from the last month. Many of them are lewd, make fun of kids, players, coaches and more. According to the criminal complaint, O’Donnell has been sending the texts via spoofing apps since July 2020. The texts allegedly include pornographic photos on which she had photo-shopped her ex-husband’s face. Parents reached out to Channel 11 with hundreds of the texts saying they are frustrated that the justice system has moved slowly, and the trial continually gets postponed. Channel 11 reached out to the FBI. It tells us it helps local police departments with investigations where spoofing is being used. It can’t comment specifically on the techniques used, though. Local parents have hired private investigators and attorneys and say they are desperate for the daily text messaging harassment to end. O’Donnell’s lawyers told WPXI they cannot comment on the case.