Woman Says Abandoned Vehicles On I-79 Are Dangerous

November 14, 2019 4:11 am

WASHINGTON CO., Pa. – (WPXI) – A woman said she’s called 911 and Pennsylvania State Police for over a week about several abandoned cars on Interstate-79. Kathy Williams commutes from Washington County to the city every day. She said several abandoned cars are sitting on the shoulder of I-79 North – one is near the Bridgeville exit, and another is on the shoulder near Collier. Williams told our news partners at Channel 11 the most dangerous vehicle on the interstate is an abandoned van sitting right up against the ramp to Exit 60 at Crafton/Moon Run. She said every single day, drivers think that van is in traffic trying to exit, so cars line up behind it — only to realize it’s abandoned and they need to get around it. “People have swerved to get back on the highway to get back off the highway to get off the highway. It’s really scary,” Williams said. Adding to the problem, some of the abandoned cars are really tough to see late at night or when snow is covering them.