Zoning Amendment Considered In North Strabane

February 21, 2024 4:51 am

North Strabane Township Supervisors held a public meeting Tuesday to take comment on a text amendment to their zoning ordinance governing permitted uses in an R-3 zoning district. Officials from Allegheny Health Network and Canonsburg Hospital requested a zoning ordinance change that would make hospitals, medical clinics and medical offices permitted uses in the R-3 zone. Currently the hospital is operating in the zoning district as a non-conforming entity. According to testimony, the current Canonsburg Hospital is 40 years old and AHN would like to completely rework the hospital to modernize it and make it a more effective unit. Hospital officials would like to have township officials rework the ordinance so that the hospital could remain in its current location. Testimony indicated that they are not asking for any type of variance or special exceptions. They simply want to have the ordinance line up with the work that is already being done at the location. Supervisors intend to vote on the measure at their March legislative meeting. In other township business, supervisors will look to schedule a conditional use hearing for the Collective At Peters Lake. It is a 41 unit single home development that is proposed for North Spring Valley Road near Peters Lake Park.